We Give Voice and Eliminate Bias

We’re passionate about enabling first-job candidates to be in control of their future by placing them at the center of the recruiting process.


We provide intern and career opportunities to students by accelerating the interview-to-job hire process.


We're an ecosystem of college students and employer companies fostering mutually beneficial relationships.


We deliver a consistent, flawless, and repeatable University recruiting process from year-to-year.


Participation of students and employers enhance our platform fueling continuous learning resulting in more relevant connections.

Across many cultures and languages, SAMII represents a universal ideal. It is an ideal rooted in the belief that when we listen to individuals we are better able to assist in elevating them to achieve their hopes, desires, and full potential. For us, it’s the guiding principles of our commitment to members of the SAMII community.

SAMII has been designed to provide early-career candidates and employers with a platform that allows them to express themselves in unique and insightful ways that create lasting connections. 

We believe historical evaluation criteria artificially limits the ability to see one’s full potential by lacking to account for a candidate’s value beyond the resume. Our focus is on representing the whole of the individual rather than basic traditional employment credentials. In doing, so we foster elevated conversations, engaged relationships, and organizational alignment.

While it may be a lofty goal, we believe that by providing a platform for all college students regardless of their background we will empower and accelerate their contribution to a better tomorrow.

Ready to Join the SAMII Community?

Whether you're a Student or Employer we want to hear from you.

For StudentsFor Employers

Career Opportunities

We believe that an employee-first culture is driven by five key building blocks: Empowerment, Empathy, Openness, Personal Accountability, and Collaboration.

These elements, when activated, provide direction and support for culture building, employee engagement, productivity, and retention.

If you feel the same, check out our opportunities.

SAMII Intern Program
Boulder, CO